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Press Releases - Real Press Releases via PRWeb

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Press Releases - Real Press Releases via PRWeb

Press releases today do not simply provide stale information from which journalists write stories. Thanks to the power of the internet, press releases are published in their entirety, just like an article. In essence, your company’s press releases are just that, articles that creatively share your important announcements and news. Therefore, they must be written as an article and not a simple list of facts and quotes.

Find Local Company leverages the power and versatility of press releases by partnering with PRWeb to distribute your company press releases. PRWeb is the leader in online news distribution and publicity. This offsite SEO service provides the opportunity to increase the web visibility of your company news, reach new audiences, stand out in searches and drive increased traffic to your website.

PRWeb distributes your company press releases to a powerful online syndication network that includes Google News, Yahoo News, MSN News, a page one link on the PRWeb home page, targeted pay per click ads and RSS distribution. Because of their reach, PRWeb is the most-visited website for journalists when they seek important news releases.

Find Local Company also partners with PRWeb to place your company press releases before targeted lists of industry-specific journalists and your business-related social media networks. In addition, PRWeb provides detailed analytics that measure the impact and reach of your online news releases. Find Local Company includes this analytic data in your overall SEO data reporting each month.

Keys to Effective Press Releases

In order to catch the attention of readers, especially news-hungry journalists, your press releases must stand out. In an era of lazy writing, your press releases must be well-written to express your intent as well as your recent news or announcements. Powerful writing with plenty of quotable statements will convince journalists and online readers to keep reading and search for more.

Effective press releases contain the following key factors:

  • Make an important statement or promise early in the content
  • Each paragraph should contain something compelling
  • Be specific with facts and reasons why
  • Demonstrate credibility with statistics and references
  • Tell the reader what’s in it for him or her

Effective press releases also contain backlinks to your website and other relevant landing pages, as well as links for sharing on users’ favorite social media platforms. Remember, most press releases will be posted in their entirety online, so having vital internet links and contact information in place is critical. This leads users back to your website and boosts your offsite SEO.

Professional Press Release Writing and Distribution Services

Who inside your busy company has the time and expertise to craft professional-grade press releases to share your important news and announcements? Find Local Company provides professional press release writing and distribution services as part of our SEO and digital marketing for our clients. We know your focus needs to be on serving your customers.

Our focus is to bring you more of them, which is why Find Local Company offers so many internet marketing services like custom website design, SEO, directory listings, video optimization and professional press release writing and distribution. Each of our services connect with the others to provide a formidable, comprehensive internet marketing strategy that is guaranteed to bring you results.

Do you want to learn more about all of Find Local Company’s digital marketing services, like Find Local Directory listings, SEO optimized video and website content and more? Complete the online contact form, or simply give us a call today.

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